The "They Said Email was Dying" Myth
It is time to kill the email myth and put it out of its misery.
Email is not dead!
The email myth was originally created in a blog post by David Armano from MailChimp. He said:
"Email is dying" as he talked about the evolution of technology and communication habits. The article went viral, generating a lot of response and debate on whether or not email was dying or not. The author later clarified that email was only going through a transition period, which had nothing to do with its demise.
In 2017, David Armano wrote an article that talked about how people were having more success than ever with their marketing efforts by using digital tools like social media and content creation apps like MailChimp?s for outreach purposes instead of relying
To find out the answer to the question posed, I interviewed three people who have been involved with email marketing for more than a decade--Marketing Director at BuzzFeed Katherine Finlay, Managing Director at MailChimp James Kastner and CEO of Patrick Stox. Here are their thoughts on this topic:
"Email has not died for us and we don't see it dying anytime soon." -Marketing Director at BuzzFeed Katherine Finlay
How To Find Data Sources and Organize Data To Fit Your Marketing Plan
The challenge of finding reliable data sources is not much different from the one faced by any content writer. The best way to find the right sources is to do your own research and then use those as a starting point.
The challenge with this approach is that you need to do a lot of work before you can get results, so if you want to publish on the same day as your competitors, you won't have time to go out and get all those info sources.
Also, doing your own research takes time and effort; it's not always possible or convenient for everyone. On the other hand, using an AI writing assistant can help you with everything mentioned above: Finding data sources, organizing them into an efficient system that fits your marketing plan and publishing on the same day as your competitors.