Offering Life-Changing CRM Marketing Solutions is Easy is the Award-Winning Product CRM Marketing Software solution that makes managing business easy, secure and painless for small and medium businesses around the world. Discover how you can partner with ClinicSoftware.coom to deliver real, true value to businesses and earn money lucrative rewards for yours.
As a Affiliate
Great Rewards
You plan to sell between 49 and 250 subscriptions each year and are comfortable purchasing subscriptions up front at a discounted MSRP (Manufacturer's Recommended Sale Price). When you resell them for market value price you’ll realise a good profit on each one you sell.
Affiliate Partners Earn All the Benefits
of a Standard Partner Plus:
Your own account manager and 1:1 training on how to leverage the partner program using more strategies, branding and influencers in the industry.
As a Partner
You Can Count On:
A Team That’s always in Your Corner
A dedicated team, a mix of passion and talent committed to your success and invested in ensuring your partnership with is successful.
Become a Reseller Partner / As a Reseller Partner UP TO 25% Off MRSP
Fill in your details below and one of our dedicated Partner Program Specialists will contact you.