Top Lists for Your Next Email Marketing Campaign

Lists are almost a standard in email marketing. This is due to their simplicity, reachability and how they allow the user to easily find the content he/she needs without spending too much time on it.

The issue of lists is that they can be boring and boring is not fun for users. Their lack of interactivity can make users feel disinterested in them.

To counter this issue, email marketing agencies have started working on ways to improve lists with more interactivity. They use AI tools such as machine learning systems to generate their data sets and content ideas at scale. This makes them more interesting for users - those who are interested in just reading the list and those who want to learn what's new or what's relevant for their business or industry.

How to Write a Pitch and Get It Right

You may think that now you?re all armed to go and write the perfect media pitch, but you?re wrong. The thing is, the very first thing journalists will see is neither your lead nor your value proposition.?

If you want them to open your email and be awed by your proposal, you have to get the first impressions right. And these impressions should be targeted at the right people.

#1. Go Targeted in Your Media Pitching

If you?re asking how to contact news media with a story, you should instead be asking whom you should contact.

Your media outreach will only be successful if you pitch to the right people.?

The media landscape is filled with journalists who cover particular topics. It?s called beat reporting, or, to put it simply, specialization. Instead of sending your email to a general email address, you should outreach to a relevant journalist who?s already covering areas associated with your media pitch.

You should, therefore, prepare a list of super-targeted journalists, get their emails, and press the ?send? button.

#2. Build Ties With the Media Contact

If you don?t want to sound generic in your hi?s, you shouldn?t simply research what the journo writes about. Deep-dive into their interests ??check their social media (Twitter is journos? favorite spot for sharing views, opinions, and works) and publications ??to show that you?ve done your homework and that they aren't the gazillionth person who?s receiving your media pitch.?

#3. Make a Good First Impression


Once the research part is over ??you?ve created your super-targeted media list and explored all avenues for adding a personal touch ??it?s time to grab their attention.

The very first thing a journalist sees when they receive your media pitch is your email.

If you want to be taken seriously (and make sure your email even has a chance of being opened), don?t send your pitch via sweetwitch669 Use a reliable and authoritative email address associated with your company.

1. Statistic-Based?

Semrush favorites, statistic-based subject lines imply media pitches that contain unique data.?

Example: ?75% of marketers don?t use automation software.

2. Information Gap?

Rooted in the ? information gap theory of curiosity?, these kinds of subject lines serve as teasers, enticing journalists to open an email to find out more.

3. Content Title?

These subject lines feature a very straightforward message that essentially sums up your pitch.?

#4. Maximize the Value of Your Pitch Body

If the journalist opened your email, consider half the battle won.?

While we already mentioned the main building blocks of your media pitch (the lead, the call-to-action, value proposition, and closing), there are ways you can amplify the impact of your proposal.

Make use of the FOMO

Today, there is no shortage of online businesses. There are many opportunities and challenges in different areas of business. One of the biggest problems for businesses today is FOMO - fear of missing out (or FOMO).

There are some people who don't like to miss out on opportunities because they worry that they could miss out on something great. So they tend to move away from the "safe" path and start investing a lot of money in things that might not be really good for them. This creates a vicious circle where spending money without knowing if it will be worth it all ends up being bad for your business.

Share data to make your pitch unique.

In the past, we have used language to describe the company?s benefits. We call it ?marketing copy?. This could be a good description of what we do and why people should use our services. But it is not the best way to communicate with people. What if we could share data with our pitch?

Keep the pitch body concise.

As copywriting is a creative writing process, it's hard to convey the essence of subject without being boring.

Keep the pitch body concise. In 2021, this will be the best way to make your content memorable.

Don?t go into spam.

This point may seem like an obvious one, but it would be very disappointing if you do your best to write the perfect media pitch that follows all the best practices, and it just ends up in your media contact?s spam folder.

While you can?t future-proof your media pitch against ever going into a spam filter, there is one thing that will most certainly trigger this unfortunate course of events.?

We?re talking about links you include in your pitch email.

#5. Follow Up Your Media Pitch.

Now, if you?ve done everything right, your email landed in the recipient?s inbox. What?s next?

Next starts the wondering ??have they received it? Did they read it? Was the media pitch even opened?

Well, as a PR pro, you should never get to this wondering stage.

The general rule for cold emails like your media pitch is that you really shouldn?t write more than two follow-up emails if you don?t hear back from the media contact.?

It?s perfectly normal to have to write any follow-ups at all, but there are ways you can set them up for higher attention-grabbing potential:

Once again, tools like Prowly help you manage this workflow by showing which media contacts received your email, who opened and even clicked to read your media pitch. This way, you can split your media list into a few groups and tailor your follow-up efforts to various segments depending on which action they took (or didn?t take) with your email.?

Now Get to Writing a Surefire Pitch.

While the essence of your story is what really matters, it?s the small things that can make a difference to the success of your media pitch.?

So, if you thought that writing a media pitch is only about what you actually write in your pitch body, you?d be surprised.

This level of attention to detail may sound dreary, but the outcomes of a successful PR case will most certainly pay off. Media pitches that hit the target can lead to anything from increased reach and reputational lift to link-building and SEO boost. And platforms like Prowly, specifically designed for PR and Media Management, will take the dreary out of the equation.